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Career Tech Student Organizations

Business and IT: 

Accounting/Finance, Marketing/Management, Computer Science, Digital Media, Computer Networking, Radio/TV Broadcasting; Supply Chain & Logistics

National Business Professionals of America

Indiana BPA


HVAC, Barbering/Cosmetology, Industrial Automation/Robotics, and Criminal Justice:

National Skills USA

Indiana Skills USA


Health Science, EMT, PLTW BioMed, PLTW Human Body Systems, PLTW Medical Interventions, Anatomy:

National Health Occupations Student Organization

Indiana HOSA


Animal Science:

National FFA

Indiana FFA


Family and Consumer Science: 

Education Careers, Early Childhood, Human & Social Services, Interior Design, and Fashion & Textiles

National Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America

Indiana FCCLA


PLTW Engineering

National Technology Student Association

Indiana TSA